What is Holistic Pulsing?
Holistic Pulsing was developed over 30 years ago by Tovi Browning N.D., D.O. a graduate Naturopath & Osteopath of the British College of Naturopath and Osteopathy.
Holistic Pulsing is a movement-based, passive method that includes rocking, stretching, jiggling, lifting, shaking, and rotating that creates waves throughout the body, impacting the organs, joints & muscles.
The rhythmic rocking sends ripples flowing through the whole body enlivening the system on all levels.
The Central Nervous System responds to pleasure rather than pain, so the gentle, hypnotic rocking motion percolates through, relaxing the whole body completely.
The rocking rate used is close to the foetal heartbeat, between 120 to 160 beats a minute. This creates a safety that enables the body to relax and release.
Based on the principles of life: Rhythm and Water, it connects you to your inner self and as you fall into a state of relaxation, you heal through pleasure instead of pain.
Holistic Pulsing
The Power of Softness
What happens in a session?
As you lay on a massage table, fully dressed, a constant rhythmic motion is applied to different parts of the body.
A session usually lasts about one hour
Our body is approximately 70% water and the rhythmic rocking sends ripples flowing through the whole body, enlivening and balancing it.
The feminine principles of softness, gentleness and nurturing are incorporated making this an excellent therapy that assists us to release past and present emotional and physical trauma from the body.
In this place of deep relaxation, the body will start to release, open and expand.
You will have awareness around where you are holding on to tension on a physical and emotional level
What are the benefits?
Holistic pulsing has a number of benefits, going far beyond general relaxation.
The practice is especially useful for those that have suffered from trauma due to its gentle, nurturing movements.
It stimulates the body’s immune fluids and addresses physical and emotional blockages.
The practice is easy to learn and can be applied in a variety of situations and for varying lengths of time.
It's extremely useful for parents to learn and use with young children during night terrors, fevers, and a variety of other emotional disturbances.
The therapist will also enjoy the benefits they gain from the method, reversing burnout through physical movements.
It generates a feeling of self-acceptance and breeds closeness between practitioner and client.