Level 1 can be held at different locations around Australia. A min of 6 attendees is required The price may differ depending on travel time, costs.
The Level 1 Foundation Workshop is a beautiful, nurturing weekend. It is open to anyone wanting to experience this safe, gentle body-mind therapy.
Learn a new skill that will take you deeper into your self-discovery and will leave you feeling incredibly relaxed and peaceful.
Done fully clothed, the special types of rocking induce deep relaxation and help to release trauma from the body.
You will learn:
• All the techniques needed to start using Holistic pulsing
• How to work with different rhythms in the body
• To become aware of blockages in the physical and emotional body
• To understand the “Body-mind and to recognise “splits”
The pre-requisite for Level 2 is attendance at Level 1.
During Level 2 we will begin to unravel your own blocks and start to release some of the trauma that may be held in your own body, this may also bring up some long-held issues for you to look at.
It’s for this reason that we spread it out over a period of 6 to 12 months so that you have time to process whatever arises.
PART 1. 2-Day Weekend Workshop $499
In Level 2, you will learn new pulses and fine-tune your technique. At the end of this level, you will feel more confident, be proficient in most of the pulses needed to conduct a session with others and have a deeper understanding of the individual process that is possible beyond the technique.
PART 2. 7 One-On-One Sessions/Tutorials (3 hours each)@ $200 each
The personal sessions/tutorials are 3 hours long. During the first half, you will receive a pulsing treatment from the instructor. It’s important to do your own work before you can heal other people. You’ll begin to enter your own fascinating journey of self-discovery. Then you’ll do a 1.5-hour pulsing session with the teacher. You will receive feedback and start to learn more about the processes behind the technique.
Holistic Pulsing Level 3 Practitioner Training is available to those who have completed Level 2. The aim of this series of workshops is to support students in developing their confidence and skills with the aim of becoming Certified Holistic Pulsing Practitioners. Each weekend workshop will expand on our previous work. We will cover advanced Pulsing techniques, Voice Dialogue, and how to read the body-mind.
4 x weekend workshops - $499 for each workshop
Basic Counselling and Communication Course
3 modules ONLINE - $299
3 x one-on-one sessions/tutorials, 3 hours each (total of 9 hours). $200 each x 3
3 supervised sessions/tutorials, 3 hours each (total of 9 hours). $200 each x 3
12 practice sessions, 1 hr each (approx) (total of 12 hours). You will begin to do your own practice sessions with other people and keep a written record of what happened in the session.
1 final assessment session (free)
10% discount for upfront payments for the session/tuts